Schulich Information Services

Zoom - Test speakers & microphone

Testing your audio before an important call is a pro-level practice. Zoom makes it easy. Here’s how:


  1. Join a Zoom call

  2. Click the arrow beside the microphone icon

  3. Click “Test Speaker & Microphone”

  4. Follow the prompts:

    1. If your speaker rings, select “Yes”

    2. If your speaker does not ring, select “No”

    3. Selecting “No” will scroll through the available audio options until you arrive at the correct option - (you will hear a ringtone when you arrive at the correct option)

    4. Next, if your microphone shows that it is picking-up sound, it will also play the sound back to you - if this doesn’t happen, select “No” to scroll through available options


p: 519-661-2111 ext 81377