Schulich Information Services

HOW TO: Share OneDrive files with other users



1. You will first need to sign into with your Western credentials.

2. After signing in, click the OneDrive icon next to Outlook.

3. Mark the checkbox next to the file/folder you wish to share and click “Share” at the top.

4. Before entering email addresses, see the privacy sharing instructions below for next selection.


Privacy - Be sure to Change “Anyone with the link can edit” - Select and then change to “Specific people” and “Apply”. Then enter the email(s) you wish to share with.

If you wish to share a document without the user being able to edit it, then Select “Anyone with the link can edit” and below you will see a check box for 'Allow editing” - deselect this box and select “Apply”.





p: 519-661-2111 ext 81377